I have been with LSU Libraries as a librarian since 2015. I am the Agriculture Librarian and one of the liaisons to the College of Agriculture. I am also head of the LSU Library's Programming Committee, and I often meet with faculty and students to assist them with their evidence synthesis projects.
My job is to help people better identify and use resources and introduce and help develop information literacy skills. I love helping people overcome barriers to research. I would love to talk to classes, students, faculty, and/or staff about all the wonderful things LSU Libraries offers.
As the Events and Programming Librarian, I help facilitate library program creation, implementation, and promotion and build and maintain partnerships within LSU and the local community.
Departments and Schools
- Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
- Agricultural and Extension Education and Evaluation
- Animal Sciences
- Entomology
- Nutrition and Food Sciences
- Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences
- Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology
- Renewable Natural Resources
- Textiles, Apparel Design and Merchandising
LSU Libraries, 2013- Present
- Agriculture Librarian, 2018- Current (Tenure-Track)
- Agriculture Support Librarian, 2015-2018 (General Librarian)
- Research & Instruction Graduate Assistant, 2013-2015 (Graduate Student)
- Louisiana State University, MLIS, 2015
- Northwestern State University, B.A., Communications, 2013
Eslami, J., LeMire, S., Jackson, J. M., Morgan, R. L., Poljak, L., & VerMeulen, A. (2023). Competencies for Academic Library Outreach Work (4f4c13ab-044e-4c5a-acd6-45e95fd1f894). ACRL. https://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/outreach
Greene, M., Houghtaling, B., Sadeghzadeh, C., De Marco, M., Bryant, D., Morgan, R., & Holston, D. (2022). African Americans’ perceptions of nutrition interventions: A scoping review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954422422000099
Greene, M., Houghtaling, B., Sadeghzadeh, C., De Marco, M., Bryant, D., Morgan, R., & Holston, D. (2023). Nutrition interventions addressing structural racism: A scoping review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 36(1), 155–174. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954422422000014
Houghtaling, B., Balis, L., Minaker, L., Kheshaifaty, K., Morgan, R., & Shanks, C. B. (2022). A systematic review of trucking food, physical activity, and tobacco environments and tractor-trailer drivers’ related patterns and practices in the United States and Canada, 1993–2021. Preventive Medicine Reports, 26, 101760. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101760
Morgan, R. (2020). Supporting Student Wellness and Success through the LSU Libraries Relaxation Room. Journal of Library Outreach and Engagement, 1(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.21900/j.jloe.v1i1.469
Morgan, R. (2021). We Belong Together: Libraries, Community, and Third Place. Louisiana Libraries, 4–8.
Morgan, R. L., Juve, N.,
(May 2018) Kennedy, E. H., McCluskey, J. J., Ostrom, M., Agriculture Mis-: Information, Conceptions, Perceptions, and Interpretations Panel (SI/RI IG), Oral Presentation, United States Agriculture Information Network, USAIN, Pullman, WA, United States.
Morgan, R. L., (October 2020) My Neck, My Back, my Anxiety Attack: Welcome Week at LSU or how we just learned to go with the flow, Oral Presentation, LOUIS Users Conference (LUC) 2020, LOUIS, Virtual. https://task.louislibraries.org/hc/en-us/articles/360057868653-My-Neck-My-Back-my-Anxiety-Attack-Welcome-Week-at-LSU-or-how-we-learned-to-just-go-with-the-flow
2. Morgan, R. L., Schwaid-Lindner, W., (October 2020) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Survey Responses: A Study of Virtue-Based Typology Within the Field of Librarianship Using a Universal Personality System, Oral Presentation, LOUIS Users Conference, LOUIS, Virtual. https://task.louislibraries.org/hc/en-us/articles/360056021094-Harry-Potter-and-the-Goblet-of-Survey-Responses
3. Morgan, R. L., Rowher, D., (July 2020) NOTHING COMPARES 2 (COLLABORATION WITH) U, Oral Presentation, NOLA Information Literacy Forum 2020, Virtual.
4. Morgan, R. L., Simms, S. L., (October 2019) Back that Success Up!, Oral Presentation, LUC- Louis Users Conference, LOUIS, Baton Rouge, LA, United States.
5. Morgan, R. L., (September 2018) Not Just Dogs: How Programming Helps the Academic Library build support, engage students, and foster a sense of community, Oral Presentation, LOUIS Users Conference, LOUIS, Baton Rouge.
6. Morgan, R., (October 2017) Programming for Fun and Profit: Engaging Students, Fostering Relationships, and Promoting your Library, Oral Presentation, 2018 Louisiana User's Conference, LOUIS, Baton Rouge, LA, United States.
7. Lopez, R., Kelly, R., (March 2016) Learning with LOUIS – Planning a Library-Wide Open House: Data-Driven Decision Making in Action, Oral Presentation, Learning with LOUIS, LOUIS- Louisiana Library Network, Baton Rouge, LA, United States.
1. Morgan, R. L., (December 2018) How Do You Measure Fun and Relaxation? Assessing Academic Library Programming Using Traditional and Non-Traditional Forms of Assessment, Poster, Library Assessment Conference, ACRL, Houston, TX, United States. https://www.libraryassessment.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/15-Morgan-MeasureFunRelaxation.pdf
2. Lopez, R. N., (April 2016) Nurturing a New Crop of Ag Librarians, Poster, USAIN 2016, United States Agriculture Information Network 2016, Gainesville, FL, United States.
- LSU Libraries Service
- Programming Committee
- Committee Head January 2016 - Present
- Open House Committee
- Co-Chair- 2018 - Present
- Committee Member 2014 - 2018
- Student Advisory Council
- Chair 2018- Present
- Wellness Committee
- Committee Member 2019- Present
- Programming Committee
- LSU Service
- University Council on Gender Equity (UCGE)
- Chair 2021-Present
- Committee Member 2019-2021
- University Council on Gender Equity (UCGE)
- Faculty Advisor
- College Democrats 2019- Present
- Professional Service
- ACRL-ULS: Academic Outreach Committee, 2019- Present
- United States Ag Information Network (USAIN)
- Membership Committee 2017- Present
- Convener Rural and Social Interest Group 2016- 2018
Libraries as Third Places/Building Community
Evidence Synthesis
Librarian Training