Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Meetings with the Director or the Coordinator are by appointment only, unless you are in a working partnership with the center and are dropping off/picking up materials on a pre-arranged schedule. Coming soon: there is no appointment necessary to view the self-guided listening stations during office hours.
The T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History is on the 2nd floor of the Hill Memorial Library.
From the stairs: Go up the left staircase and take a left through the double doors and proceed to walk straigh through the large room. The center is in the back right corner of this large room.
From the elevators: Take the elevator down to “2,” take a right through the double doors and proceed to walk straigh through the large room. The center is in the back right corner of this large room.
The Williams Center chooses interviewees whose recollections best fit within one of our projects. If you know someone whose life experience fits within within one of our projects, let us know about that person and why you think their stories would contribute to our oral history collection. To nominate someone for an interview, complete and return our bio data form. However, due to limited resources, a better alternative may be to interview the person yourself. We can provide guidance and training in oral history techniques so that you can interview people whose stories and memories deserve preservation. To learn more about our trainings, please visit “Create an Oral History”
The Williams Center accepts audio and video recordings into our collection if they meet the following criteria: Each sound record must be 1) a recording of an oral history interview, preferably between two people; 2) in playable condition and of a recording quality sufficiently clear for transcription; 3) in a media format compatible with current center practice, which is in digital .wav format for audio (see *below regarding video); 4) on a topic that contributes to the existing collection of the center 5) accompanied by a legal release signed by the interviewee 6) accompanied by a legal release signed by the interviewer, signing over all rights, title, and interest to Louisiana State University; 7) begun with a recorded introduction including name of interviewee, name of interviewer, date and location of interview; and 8) conducted in accordance with the Oral History Association's "Principles and Best Practices for Oral History." We also take into consideration 9) how well the interviews are documented and the level and quality of their accompanying descriptions and 10) the inclusion of a transcription or thorough index, or funds dedicated to a transcription or thorough indexing. For more information on submitting projects for evaluation and to get the conversation started, please contact us at jabrah1@lsu.edu.
A collection is an interview, and as such, it is assigned a specific collection number, such as 4700.1234. There can be several recordings (indicated by Tape #) within one collection if the person was interviewed on more than one occasion by the same interviewer.
You can search the catalog record for all collections that have been fully processed. Hint: type key word plus “oral history” into the search box.
Additionally, many interviews are available online through the Louisiana Digital Library.
You can also search the series finding aids (also called abstracts), which are detailed descriptions of interviews at both the item level (interview) and the collection level (project or series). Unprocessed collections might not yet be listed online.
A processed collection has gone through several steps to become a cataloged record, and thus available to the researching public. Those steps include a thorough vetting of copyright and restrictions, a verbatim transcription or thorough indexing of the interview including time-stamped calibration, the opportunity for the interviewee to review the transcription, the creation of a finding aid that includes important metadata about the collection, the preservation and optimization of audio files, the creation of user-copies, and cataloging. This process requires the efforts of several LSU Libraries staff members and it has been calculated that for every hour of recording, it takes 35-50 hours to fully process. For a detailed breakdown of the stages and fees associated with archiving oral histories, please see The Oral History Budget. All processed collections are found in the catalog record and many are available on the Louisiana Digital Library.
An unprocessed collection is one that has not reached the final stage of completion and is not yet ready to be cataloged. Depending on the stage of processing, more or less of the interview will be available to patrons. See below for availability of unprocessed collections. An unprocessed collection is not in the catalog record or on the Louisiana Digital Library.
All unrestricted, fully-processed, cataloged collections are available to patrons. Audio and/or transcriptions and indexes can also be duplicated. However, restricted collections may be unavailable or have limited availability depending on the restrictions.
All requests for access to unprocessed collections require the Williams Center director's authorization. Any duplications of unprocessed interviews are not allowed beyond "Fair Use" unless this restriction is cleared by the director upon staff review of the item. Please note that the review process may take at least 1-2 business days, depending on the size of the collection.
There are various types of restrictions to collections that will be listed in the catalog record. The most common restriction is the one triggered by incomplete paperwork and this restriction often limits the interview to on-site access-only and limited duplication.
Other restrictions are set forth by the interviewer or the interviewee and are handled on a case-by-case basis.
Follow the procedures outlined via LSU Libraries Special Collections Public Services. Be sure to have the collection number, tape number, and the name of the interviewee handy to fill out the form. Please note-these copy requests are not processed by Williams Center personnel but through Public Services, as indicated in the above procedures.
The interview will be sent to you as PDF or a MP3.
Visit LSU Libraries Special Collections: since all cataloged interviews are housed in Special Collections at Hill Memorial Library, you may visit the Reading Room where staff will provide access to dedicated, self-guided public computer where you can access cataloged digital files during office hours.
The Louisiana Digital Library has selected interviews available.
You may request a copy of the interview. See above for instructions.
A copy of the interview may be jointly housed in another repository, so be sure to double check that information in the catalog record.
There are several options depending on various style guides.
[Last Name, First Name], interview by [interviewer first name and last name], audio recording, [date], [4700.####]. Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
[First name last name] Oral History Interview, MSS 4700.####, Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
When partnering with the Williams Center, there are a variety of potential relationships to explore. The center offers the following services, which vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the project and available resources: training, consultations, equipment loans, and collaboration on resource-seeking and presentation. Partners are responsible for providing interviews that meet the center's collection development criteria. Additionally, if they are able to provide transcription or indexing of interviews, this will speed up the center’s ability to process and provide public access to those interviews.
To that end, Williams Center staff will advise on best practices and will loan digital field recorders that record audio in preservation-quality format (.wav). The center will preserve the master files and create compressed user copies for access. We are also able to partner with additional repositories to ensure that several copies of the interview collections exist via multiple access points.
The T. Harry Williams Center for Oral History is by far the largest and most comprehensive oral history repository in the state of Louisiana, and one of the largest in the South. It has earned a strong reputation for providing interdisciplinary outreach to academic and independent scholars, secondary and higher education professionals, and community groups by providing specialized leadership and educational tools for best practices in the field.
The Williams Center, named after the renowned historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning scholar, T. Harry Williams, was founded in 1991 with a three-fold mission:
- To document Louisiana culture and history through recorded oral history interviews;
- To preserve the oral histories collected and make them available to researchers; and
- To actively engage in outreach, assisting university and public community members in learning about oral history research, and in creating their own projects.
For the past three decades, the center has upheld this mandate to document Louisiana's diverse past and culture by preserving sound recordings of interviews with people who experienced history in the making. Our collection consists of more than 6,000 hours of interviews that cover more than 70 different topics. While our staff developed many of the core research projects on university history, civil rights, Louisiana politics, and military history, a significant number of the William Center's unique collections are the result of outreach and collaboration with community groups, individual scholars and researchers, like-minded organizations, and classes working on projects. To learn more about these collections, please visit our collections page.
Are you incorporating oral history into your research? If you are interested in learning more about using our existing primary sources or creating new oral history interviews for your research or curriculum, please contact Williams Center Director Jen Cramer at jabra1@lsu.edu to schedule a consultation.
Undergraduate students