Topic Guide to Yellow Fever (1853-1905)

The information and links below include search tips and a selection of articles covering this topic in the digitized Louisiana newspapers. The dates and suggested search terms can help to further explore this topic on Chronicling America. For the most search results, try the search terms in different combinations, in proximity, and as phrases.

Significant Dates

1769 - First case of Yellow Fever to strike Louisiana
1796 - First epidemic transpired, 638 perish
1853 - The worst year of the epidemic, nearly 8,000 die in New Orleans
1873 - Shreveport loses almost 25% of its population
1878 - Epidemics again spread throughout the Lower Mississippi Valley, killing thousands
1878 - Quarantines established in many southern cities
1905 - Last outbreak in North America; New Orleans has 452 deaths

Suggested Search Terms

Yellow Fever, Yellow Jack, Black Vomit, Bronze John

Sample Articles