This series contains library invoices received from off campus.

RETENTION: Retain 2 years in office, then 5 years in Records

Center, then destroy by landfill.



This series contains annual reports received from faculty, photocopies of campus and off-campus correspondence, photocopies of minutes of meetings received from Office of the Dean, newspaper clippings or excerpts from publications, procedural guidelines, photocopies of budget reports received from Office of the Dean1 budget worksheets, expenditure lists, photocopies of Internal Transactions, photocopies of invoices received from vendors and office supplies, NCR copies of Travel Expense Vouchers received from Office of the Dean, photocopies of price lists, NCR copies of purchase orders sent to Purchasing, NCR copies of Requisitions sent to Purchasing, photocopies of grade reports received from Office of the Dean, sample forms, photocopies of completed book order forms sent to LSU Union Bookstore, event announcements sent on and off campus, and campus store catalogs received from campus.

RETENTION: Correspondence: Retain 5 years in office, then destroy by shredding then landfill. Budget and purchasing records: Retain 3 years in office, then destroy by landfill. Accounting records: Retain 2 years in office, then 5 years in Records Center, then destroy by landfill. All other contents:

Retain in office while active or until superseded, then destroy by recycling.



This series contains campus and off-campus correspondence, photocopies of budget reports received Office of the Dean, photocopies of Internal Transactions received from Office of the Dean, photocopies of invoices received from Office of the Dean, NCR copies of Travel Expense Vouchers received from Office of the Dean, event announcements, file lists, vitae of visiting professors received from off campus, and colloquium book drafts.

RETENTION: Accounting records: Retain 2 years in office, then 5 years in Records Center, then destroy by landfill.

Correspondence: Retain 5 years in office, then destroy by shredding then landfill. All other contents: Retain in office while active, then destroy by landfill.



This series contains documents such as letters, messages, campus correspondence, reports, handbooks, photocopies of minutes of meetings, photocopies of newspaper clippings or excerpts from publications, procedural guidelines, expenditure lists, Internal Transactions, photocopies of invoices received from off-campus, NCR copies of Travel Expense Vouchers received from Office of the Dean, photocopies of price lists received from off-campus, NCR

copies of purchase orders sent to Accounting Services, NCR copies of requisitions sent to Accounting Services, photocopies of grade reports received from Office of the Dean, sample forms, photocopies of book orders sent to Union Bookstore, event announcements, campus store catalogs, and manuals recorded on electronic media such as hard disks or floppy diskettes a) when they are used to produce hard copy that is maintained in organized files or b) when they are maintained only in electronic form and they duplicate the information in and take the place of records that would otherwise be maintained in hard copy, provided that the hard copy has been authorized for destruction by the LSU Retention and Disposal Schedule.

RETENTION: a) When they are used to produce hard copy that is maintained in organized files: Delete when no longer needed to create a hard copy. b) When they are maintained only in electronic form and they duplicate the information in and take the place of records that would otherwise be maintained in hard copy, provided that the hard copy has been authorized for destruction by the LSU Retention and Disposal Schedule: Delete after the expiration of the retention period authorized for the hard copy by the LSU Retention and Disposal Schedule.